dimanche 30 décembre 2018

Types de bibliothèques

 Libraries are divided into three types:

  •  Public library:

 Public libraries serve all citizens without exception, do not restrict their ownership, and provide sources of information in all their forms and types.

  •  Specialized library: 

This library is an area of ​​knowledge, it is enriched with information and sources in all its forms in relation to a single domain. It is often affiliated with an organization or organization and provides information on the activity of this institution and its scientific, economic or productive objectives.

  •  School Library:

 the Ministry of Education incorporates school libraries in schools to serve students, encourage them to read and read, and provide students with sources of printed and non-print information, and instruct their teachers to teach students to use the library and its funds.

  •  Children's library:

 this library focuses on children and developing their abilities to reinforce their cultural identity, to instill a love of reading for children and to provide sources of printed and unpublished information.

  •  The National Library:

 également appelée Bibliothèque nationale, est chargée de conserver des copies de tous les documents ou publications importants dans l’État, de conserver le statut juridique ou autre, ainsi que de produire des bibliographies nationales et des catalogues.

  •  Bibliothèque privée:

 Il s’agit de l’un des plus anciens types de bibliothèques, établi par des familles à la maison, et les bibliothèques privées étaient jadis reliées aux souverains et aux rois .

  •  Bibliothèque mobile:

 L’idée des bibliothèques mobiles est apparue comme un moyen d’élargir la culture, Ces bibliothèques sont développées pour les bibliothèques traditionnelles et sont utilisées pour fournir des bibliothèques et des services d’information aux bibliothèques publiques .

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